'Twas the Night Before the New Year . . . and Ronald's Asleep
All the humans and creatures were ready to rock, but Ronald was snoring by 7 o’clock . . .
It’s NEW YEAR’S EVE tonight, so to celebrate enjoy this extra special bonus B-Side Story to end the year with a bookish bang!
Remember Ronald the Rabbit? Wait, wait wait . . . you HAVEN’T met Ronald? Well, I insist you head back to the B-side archives and read the first story, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas . . . and Ronald’s Awake! Then come back and check out this bonus sequel.
After the Christmas holidays, Ronald the Rabbit has kicked his bad habit of partying all night long. No more late nights, thanks to good ol’ Saint Nick. The only problem is now it’s New Year’s Eve . . . and everyone else is ready to party like a sugar-high elf! Unfortunately, Ronald can’t keep his beady bunny eyes open. Can his new furry friends help him stay awake until midnight? Or, is Ronald destined to be a sleepy, sluggish party-pooper for his first New Year’s Eve celebration?!?
‘Twas the Night Before the New Year . . . and Ronald’s Asleep!
by caitlin nicole evans
Dedicated to Matthew for all the inspiration and support. I hope you can stay awake and party it up on the beach like a sugar-high elf this New Year’s Eve . . .
‘Twas the night before the New Year,
a night filled with fun.
In one home the party had long since begun.
The whole house was up, even past 10 o’clock.
All the humans AND creatures were ready to rock.
The music was playing.
The crackers were poppin’.
There was laughter and dancing.
The party was hoppin’!
Except for one creature, the most hoppy of all.
A rabbit named Ronald . . .
who you may recall!
It was the first New Year’s Eve for Ronald the Rabbit.
Who, ever since Christmas, had solved his worst habit.
In the old days he loved staying up late at night.
He caused lots of trouble with no one in sight.
Oh, the couches he chewed!
All those plants where he pooed!!
Looking back, Ronald really had been rather rude!!!
With Donald the Dog, and Mitchell the Mouse,
and Connie the Cat all asleep in the house,
Ronald would wander and cause quite the riot.
He’d party and play while the whole house slept quiet.
Until Santa came to help Ronald the Rabbit.
He gave him some gifts to fix his bad habit.
With candles, a bed, and his new meditation,
Ronald had made quite the grand transformation!
Now, he slept like a fur baby, long in the night,
and awoke with the rest of the house at first light.
He loved smelling the coffee, and watching the sun.
Plus, it turned out that even the HUMANS were fun!
They liked petting his ears and scratching his back,
and the kids gave him plenty of carrots to snack.
He also had made furry friends in the house.
Who knew that a rabbit could converse with a mouse!
He liked watching Connie while she tried catching mice.
(Except there friend Mitchell – now, that wouldn’t be nice!)
Mitchell shared all his cheese and spare crumbs with Ronald.
But, his favourite new friend was the big hound dog Donald.
He taught Ronald fetch, and how to roll over.
They liked to play frisbee, and tag, and red rover.
Donald let Ronald chew his whole toy collection.
Oh, Ronald’s new life was so full of AFFECTION!
Hanging out in the daytime was really the best,
and Ronald had learned to enjoy his night’s rest.
BUT . . .
Since Ronald was going to sleep around eight,
and the big celebration was happening late . . .
Ronald was missing! And THIS party was GREAT!
So, Donald, and Connie, and Mitchell the mouse,
decided to hop up the stairs of the house.
They would just have to get their friend Ronald awake.
They crept in his room, and they gave him a shake.
Mitchell yelled, “RONNNNAAALLLD!!!”
(Which sounded like SQUEEEAAAKKKK!!! But, as you all know, a mouse voice is quite weak.)
So, Donald tried howling.
Ronald woke in a huff.
“It’s bedtime,” said Ronald. “I’ve had quite ENOUGH!”
Groggy, and grumpy, he pulled down his mask.
Waking up late, an impossible task.
“Wait!” Donald barked. “It’s a real special date.
It’s the one night of the year that you must stay up late!
The food and the music and dancing are GREAT!
Please come on downstairs and we’ll all celebrate!”
Ronald was drowsy, but rather enticed.
A New Year’s Eve party did sound rather nice.
So, he took off his sleep mask.
He fluffed up his hair.
Then the whole furry gang headed back down the stairs.
(Usually, for New Year’s you dress to impress. A tux and a tie, or a fab sparkly dress. But, the rabbits and mice, all the dogs and the cats – they aren’t into tutu’s, or small pointy hats. They simply make sure that their fur’s nice and glossy. Then they’re ready to party, one fancy fur posse!)
Downstairs, Ronald found the party WAS hopping!
The sparklers were sparkling. The confetti was popping.
The dining room was set with the greatest surprise.
A feast of all feasts. Yes, a feast for the eyes!
Oodles of noodles, and spring rolls, and wings.
The table was stuffed with the tastiest things.
Carrots with dip, and cheese macaroni.
Pizzas stacked high smelt of spiced pepperoni.
This was better than Christmas! This was better than stockings!
New year’s was tasty, and rowdy, AND rocking!
The humans were sipping some sweet, sparkly wine.
The kids had all joined in a long conga line.
They hooted and hollered and all sang along,
to Ronald the Rabbit’s most favourite song.
“Shake it like a polaroid,” young Ronald sang.
While his small furry paws gave the bongos a bang.
(You see, Rabbits love hip-hop, the hoppiest hits. If you play them a beat, then their paws just can’t quit!)
There were plenty of games of charades and freeze tag.
For the furrier crowd there were games of freeze wag.
(You must dance in a circle, and wig-wag your tail. The last to stop wagging, is the first one to fail.)
When the games were all finished, and prizes were won.
They simply continued the dancing and fun.
So, the night was eventful!
A perfect success!
With a big heaping feast, and the fine, fancy dress.
With Connie, and Mitchell, and his bestest friend Donald,
the late night was worth it for poor sleepy Ronald.
But . . .
his eyelids were droopy. He’d had his last hop.
“WAIT!” squeaked out Mitchell. “The ball’s gonna drop!”
It turned out that midnight was the real big surprise.
If only poor Ronald could undroop those eyes.
A ball would be dropping in New York’s Time Square.
They would sit by the screen and they’d all wait and stare.
Until, outside the window would flicker with light,
as fireworks cracked when the clock struck midnight.
“See,” meowed Connie. “You CAN’T go to bed!
You must try and stay up ‘til midnight instead.”
Now, Ronald was groggy, and sloggy, and slumpish.
But, to go to bed early would really be rubbish!
Ronald then realized he’d have to be smart.
If he fell fast asleep now, then he’d miss the best part!
So, for forty more minutes he hopped to more beats.
He played some more games, and he stuffed in more treats!
He perked up with pops from the sound of the crackers.
He blew on bamboozles and clacked on the clackers.
He threw up confetti and sang karaoke.
Connie passed him a cup, and he said, “Okee Dookee.”
He sipped and he slurped up some fine sparkling juice . . .
(and champagne has been known to make rabbits let loose!!!)
Sooooo . . .
By midnight young Ronald was ready to rock,
and they all counted down ‘til it struck twelve o’clock.
The fireworks banged in all of their ears.
The clackers all clanged while the shouted out cheers.
They sang Auld Lang Syne, and shared an embrace.
Ronald even got smooched on his small furry face!
(Rabbits are used to the kiss of a bunny. They rub nose to nose…just try it! It’s funny!)
“Sqquueaaaak,” cheered Mitchell.
“Arrroooo,” howled Donald.
Connie was purring, but wait . . . where was Ronald?
After all the excitement, he’d run out of steam.
He was tucked in the corner, lost deep in a dream.
He’d rung in the New Year, stayed up for the fun.
But . . .
Ronald was snoring by 12:21!
(Now usually for the New Year you make resolutions. But, of course Ronald already had his solution. He had resolved to break his bad habit . . . and now no one snoozed sounder than Ronald the Rabbit!)
His friends were just glad that he’d stayed up to dance.
After all, New Year’s Eve is your one final chance,
to party and play and stay up all night . . .
Although, Ronald seemed pleased to be snuggled up tight.
So, his friends tucked him in and pat his long ears.
“Sweet dreams, little buddy. And happy New Years!”
I hope you enjoyed your bonus B-Side Story. I truly appreciate all your support and invite you to continue to share, subscribe, and enjoy these stories for the new year to come. Your January story will still be arriving in your inbox tomorrow to get the year off to a good start with plenty of reading time!
Thanks everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR’S EVE (From me and the whole furry gang!)