Helga and Herman RETURN
That's right, HAMSTERDAM has a follow-up tale! Coming to your inbox later this week . . .
Hi Everyone.
It’s May 1st, which means time for a BRAND NEW B-Side Story.
Unfortunately, I am in transit this week which made scanning pictures and posting online a little bit tricky.
But, the good news is I am returning to Canada!
After 4 months in India, it’s time to head back to the land of maple syrup and snow.
Canada is also home to Helga and Herman . . . remember them?
If not, that means you have NOT read Hamsterdam.
What a tragedy!!!
Head to the archives now, or click the link below to read this adventurous tale about two hamsters and their travels to Europe.
Now you will be prepared to read the SEQUEL . . .
George and Ginny in Papua New Guinea!
That’s right . . .
It’s another adventure about two furry guinea pigs who head to New Guinea . . . get it?!?
This story will be arriving on FRIDAY, MAY 5th.
So, set aside some bedside reading to brush up on Hamsterdam, or read it for the very first time . . .
Thank you so much for your patience.
B-Side has lots of wonderful stories in store for the rest of the year.
Including previews for not 1 - but 2! - books I have been working on the past few months.
As B-Side readers you will have a first glimpse into some of my new A-track material including the sequel to Cosette Goes to the County, as well as a brand-new book (this one’s a surprise) . . .
But, if you have little aspiring artists or kids who love monsters, Martians, and magical creatures, I know they are going to love this book.
Make sure you SUBSCRIBE and SHARE with friends and family to get the word out . . .
And, if you haven’t had a chance to order my first book, Cosette Goes to the County, email me at:
Now that I am back home, I can mail out autographed copies straight to your door.
I also have sticker packs, cow ornaments, greeting cards and colouring books!
Let me know, and Cosette will be sure to sign your copy too . . .
Thanks so much everyone . . . and stay tuned this FRIDAY, MAY 5th for Hamsterdam 2!
Happy Reading . . .