Fuzzy Wuzzy Finds a Friend
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy must have hated winter in Canada . . .
Welcome to the 1st children’s story launched by B-Side Stories!
In the spirit of the winter season, this is a tale about our old friend Fuzzy Wuzzy. When Millie’s father tells her about this hairless bear, she is SHOCKED and APPALLED, and heads into the woods to find Fuzzy. She vows Fuzzy will be warm this winter! BUT . . . Millie discovers that pants and fur coats are NOT fit for bears, and her dad’s shampoo really can’t grow back a head of hair or a body of fur. Millie also discovers that there is nothing better than the warming effects of friendship and love . . .
Fuzzy Wuzzy Finds a Friend
by caitlin nicole evans
Dedicated to Greg, who always had a great head of hair . . .
Winter was coming and to pass the time,
Millie’s dad would tell riddles, stories, and rhymes.
While the air outside grew more and more chilly,
he sat down to tell an old story to Millie.
“Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he?”
Her father chuckled, but Millie did not.
A poor bear with no hair was an unpleasant thought.
Millie found that it seemed quite unfair,
to grow up a furless grizzly bear.
She thought it might even be a bit scary,
to live in the woods when you aren’t even hairy.
Surely, this Fuzzy was getting much older.
All these years going by, growing colder and colder.
Millie herself had all the clothes she desired.
Blankets, and mittens, and a home with a fire.
She knew that these two would just have to meet.
So, she could give this poor bear a real special treat.
With winter upon them and the snow blowing near,
Fuzzy Wuzzy, she promised, would be cozy this year!
Millie headed outdoors, while her dad took a nap.
She wished that she had her own grizzly bear map.
She walked through the woods, until she came to a cave.
Lying inside was the bear she would save.
Poor Fuzzy Wuzzy was trembling and quaking.
He moaned to himself, while his bare skin was shaking.
“I’ve come here to help!” she said, clearing her throat.
“Now let’s find you some blankets, or at least a warm coat.”
Millie held out her hand, to lead Fuzzy outside
(and with her touch Fuzzy felt so much warmer inside!)
First, they headed to town to a street lined with shops.
Fuzzy tried on a jacket, some pants, and a top.
Dressed up in wool, Fuzzy didn’t feel right.
All the new clothes he tried felt a little too tight!
Suddenly, Millie knew just what to do.
“We’ll get you a coat that’s a little more . . . you!”
Into the next shop she led Fuzzy Wuzzy.
Inside every jacket was certainly fuzzy.
Millie assured him the fur was all fake.
Still, all of the coats made poor Fuzzy’s heart break.
Then they passed by a window and both saw a sign:
“Hair Transplants” it read, so they headed inside.
The doctor told Fuzzy,
“I’ve got just the trick.
I’ll give you new hair that will grow nice and thick!”
We can pluck from your bottom a nice clump of hair,
to plant on your head since it’s meant to be there.”
The problem was Fuzzy was still just a bear,
and grizzlies have fur that can grow EVERYWHERE!!!
Millie thought of the shampoo her dad used each week.
It promised to grow back hair long, thick, and sleek.
“But my dad’s head is smooth,” Millie recalled.
“That shampoo won’t work! Dad is totally bald!”
They left town with Millie still feeling mixed up.
How would she ever get Fuzzy fixed up?
Back at the cave, she tried building a fire.
She made all the hot cocoa a bear could desire.
Although they were toasty, it wasn’t quite right.
Paws couldn’t stir cocoa! Or, get wood to light!
As soon as she left, he would grow cold again,
and all Millie’s effort would not matter then.
She tried blankets and blankets and blankets stacked up.
A big sleeping bag, but it wouldn’t zip up.
They tried laughter, and hugging.
Dancing ‘round just because!
BUT . . .
Millie knew that poor Fuzzy just needed his fuzz.
“Don’t worry,” said Fuzzy. “The truth is, dear Millie,
with all of this flesh I am not all that chilly.
All year I eat berries, then I eat up some more,
and all of the fat that my round tummy stores,
keeps me well fed and just warm enough.”
(Plus, Fuzzy Wuzzy, was really quite tough!)
“I was trembling from tears and feeling so low.
The bears always tease that my hair just won’t grow.
‘Fuzzy Wuzzy’ they call me, and ‘Patchy Paws’ too;
but, my real name is Greg. . . How do you do?”
“Since your visit,” Greg said. “I feel very cozy.
The warmth of a friend can sure make my cheeks rosy.”
Millie loved her new friend, and now knew his real name.
“My dad is bald too, and I still love him the same!”
She was also so glad that Greg had such thick skin.
He could survive all that teasing AND it kept the warmth in.
Yet, before heading home she thought winter is LLLLLOOOOOOOONNNNGGGG.
SO . . .
she gave Greg a pair of big bear-sized long-johns!
Then she left Greg the Grizzly, Fuzzy Wuzzy no more,
and he went in his cave for a long winter’s snore.
As she made her way home, it occurred to young Millie.
Did dad know his shampoo was really, quite silly?
Then the snow started falling in flakes from above,
and Millie walked home warmed by friendship and love.
The End
Thanks for reading. Stay tuned next month for another B-Side Story by caitlin nicole evans!
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